We moved here in the spring – almost 2 years ago.
That first spring was spent demolishing the garden.
We are now 2 springs on from when the landscaping & replanting began.
Early September and the peaches and nectarine trees are beginning to blossom.
Barely 2 weeks later and they are smothered in pink.
I hope this gloriousness means lots of fruit 🙂
Random splashes of colour are brightening the section
The only tree left from the original front garden is the old lemon and it has bounced back with abundance from it’s very severe pruning.
This morning I spent a couple of hours weeding and adding more plants to my under the jacaranda forest floor garden.
It is looking so lush and wonderful.
Just have to ensure the puppies stay out.
I have it fenced off because Caspian tears through it when chasing passers by on the other side of the fence.
He pays no regard whatsoever for my labour of love.
On the other side of the boardwalk I’ve added some more hellebores along the back so hoping for lots of wonderful winter roses next year.
And now there is spring rain gently watering – it was a timely planting session.