East West Design

We were cruising up the street searching for interesting places to go when I spotted this building and called for a fast halt to the vehicle so I could zip out and take some photos of these amazing murals that spanned the whole front and round one side.
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We soon discovered that this humungous building houses 2 acres of the most wonderful treasure trove.
East West Design is the largest retail outlet in the southern hemisphere.
We disappeared into the belly of the proverbial whale and were soon drooling with desire and gasping with delight.
These photo do not do it justice.
I was scheming and dreaming as to how I could afford to fill a shipping container with all the wonderful items I was falling in love with.
I could only partially see this hunky door but was absolutely certain it would look fantabulous set into my back door 😉
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It was a veritable paradise filled with objects of desire.
Just as well the Tasman is between there and home!!

Brunch in South Fremantle

Jesika found a wee pet making a get away as we left the house.
Cute eh?img_9552
We had a lovely cruisey day.
Began with brunch at a cafe that I cannot remember the name of but I am sure Jesika will remind me 😉
And I was right!!
It was Roasting Warehouse
It was another funky one with cute decor.img_9556
Murray met us there as he had some spare time up his sleeve so I got the bonus of catching up with him again.
Food was pretty good and presented beautifully.img_9557 img_9558
You don’t have to guess hard to figure out which was Ev’s meal and which was mine!!img_9561
Jesika & Murrayimg_9564
We chatted for a while over our meals and coffees and then we said our goodbyes.
Murray was heading off sailing and we were off to somewhere we hadn’t yet figured out.img_9565

An evening at Manuka

For a Tuesday night treat I was taken to a favourite haunt of Evan & Jesika’s.
Manuka Woodfire Kitchen.

It is a delightful restaurant.
I loved the ambience and also the staff were fantastic.
Everything is cooked in this woodfire oven.
They have a cool menu which changes according to the seasons.
You order any selection that floats your boat and it comes out in a random order as it gets cooked.

This is a new Ginger Beer to me and it went down exceptionally well.
I’m not a huge olive fan but these roasted olives were wonderful, couldn’t stop eating them.
The baby heirloom peppers were SO good, and the roasted potatoes were very more-ish too.
Roasted cauli with avocado was interesting – actually this is all making me really hungry – I feel like hopping back on the plane and heading there for dinner tonight!!
Of course Evan’s meal was not complete without his portion of meat.
I let him enjoy the lamb shoulder.
I was more than happy with all the delicious vege dishes 🙂
And this really tells the story of total satisfaction.
It was lovely to spend the evening just with these two.  img_9523 img_9529
Can you tell I’m loving my new scarf – don’t think I took it off for days 🙂
Even is one of them is a total nutcase!
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We felt we needed to do justice to the menu and sample some desserts.
But actually the first course was enough.
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This was on the wall – it spoke to me.

Walking back to the car I spotted this cool piece of mixed media in a random shop window.
It says –
Kindness Matters
the hope and kindness
we give to the world
not only nurtures us
but it becomes
a gift for someone else
to receive for their own healing.
Thanks for a lovely end to the day J&E.
Love you both muchly xxxx

The day after

Had a bit of a slowish start after the party,
Jesika was up and on the ball and wanting to go do stuff but Sam was wanting a bit more time to wake up.
I did a spot of painting while she took her timeimg_9384
Then we headed off for brunch at Gesha Coffee Co.
Food was good, beautifully presented, but the service was ‘interesting’.
Seems to be something that is lacking in a vast number of Australian cafes ;-/img_9385
I opted for the salmon while the guys chose the big breakfasts.
Blair & Evan bro-loving 🙂
Cousins keeping a safe distance from the boys
Afterwards Jesika drove Ev, Bud and myself up the coast for a sightsee.
It was very blustery and the wind surfers made a very colourful sight as they whizzed across the waves.
We got stuck in the crowds for a wee while.
I had never experienced an AFL crowd before.
They were wearing purple, team colours of the Fremantle Dockers, droves of supporters  heading to the  Subiaco Oval to support their team.

All too soon it was time to take Bud to the airport.
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And back home to collapse!img_9409

Sightseeing with Nicki

Nicki took me out sightseeing for the day.
First port of call was Parliament of Western Australia.
Whilst the back of it is architectural really interesting….img_9462

….the front is rather sterile.img_9464 img_9465
Across the motorway we could see the Barracks Arch.
It is the remainder of The Barracks which were built in 1866 to house the Enrolled Pensioner Force who came out as guards on the convict ships.img_9469  img_9471
This old concrete structure below parliament houses the public ablutions.
Despite it being rather grotty there were some great angles and lightingimg_9473 img_9474 img_9478 img_9480

Lovely to find a spot of brightness amidst the greyness of the day.img_9482
By the time we had explored the extremities, watched a media interview with an MP, we were rather tired and hungry so we made out way over to meet up with Judith.
We had a lovely lunch at Dome.
Nicki and meimg_9487
Judith and moi.
After Judith went back to work Nicki and I went for a wander around Subiaco.
Found this shop, never seen a San Churro shop before so was drawn in by the wonderful quotes and orangenessimg_9493
Down the street were a line of shops with matching stained glass windows that are rather beautiful.
And a very ornate beauty parlour with the wee pooch on couch
The magnificent Subiaco Hotel where Sam & I spent several hours the previous Saturday 😉
Then it was time to say goodbye to Judith and head home.
Nicki & I had such a good day, so lovely to finally get to know each other in the flesh after connecting for the past 18months of mutual support via internet.

Shopping with Sam

Sam took me shopping today.
I found a swimwear shop I wanted to go to so off we went to find Luce Del Sol.
It is a lovely wee shop full of wonderful swimwear and a very helpful owner.
I walked in and said I don’t wear black, and Sam added that I don’t do Nana either!
So that said she found me everything that was colourful.
I spent ages trying on every swimsuit in the shop – well it felt like every one!
But nothing was really rocking my boat.
So I began looking at the black suits.
And guess what?
They looked great.
And I found the one I loved and felt so good in.
Once I had that nailed I then started trying on two pieces.
Then I found a bikini – yes a bikini!!
Haven’t worn one since I was in my teens.
Never ever thought I would or could again.
I love it 🙂

I was telling my girls recently that after watching a few TV shows like Botched and Beauty & the Beach I have finally decided that at my age and stage in life I am finally perfectly happy with my body.
I’ve had 11 pregnancies, birthed 10 babies – and none too small either!
I’ve breast fed them all – each of them for quite some time.
I don’t have any stretch marks, my boobs aren’t hitting my ankles.
The excess flab around the middle is being dealt to gradually, and I am not getting too hung up about the lack of abdominal muscle tone anymore because my babies made short work of destroying that!
So I am now going to totally get my Queen on this coming summer in my new beach attire 🙂
And maybe, just maybe, I might get a photo up sometime 😉

After the marathon we were both famished so wandered up the street and found Roots & Greens smoothie and juice bar.
Got some wonderfully energising smoothies full of beetroot and stuff to kick us into the afternoon.
I love the quaint old buildings around Fremantle.
These ones were just across the road.
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We found another shop which had a sale on.
It was a hellishly expensive place but I fell in love with this scarf.
Dithered muchly and then decided I would really regret not getting it.
So I did and I am happy 🙂
It is very different to any other scarf I have.img_9441img_9459

Jesika met us at Sam’s and then she and I went off for a massage.
It was so good.
The guy worked wonders on my shoulders and also my calves, especially the right one which has really knotted up since my altercation with a tow bar a few months ago.
I am going to have to get some on going treatment once I return home.
Sam arrived for her massage just as we had finished.
Then it was back to Jesika & Evan’s for dinner and bed.

Ev’s 40th – Party Time

Saturday night was party time.
The All Blacks had just beaten the Wallabies in the Bledisloe Cup for the 2nd time in two weeks so all was well in Evan’s world and he was ready to party by the time the full time whistle was blown 🙂

Jesika had made a fantastic photo board for him.IMG_9339 IMG_9340 IMG_9341 IMG_9343
He was sporting the satin shorts from Shoshannah and the flashing lit up horns & jandles that Marah sent.
Perfect party attire.
I presented Evan with a celebratory picture that I had painted on my way over.
It’s carrying my main present – which was too big for me to bring in the flesh, so he has to come home and get it 😉

The other main man was also suitable attired to attend the Kiwi themed party.
Welcome Fred Dagg 🙂
He was really rocking those gumboots.
Fred Dagg aka John Clarke has always been a favourite of our family.
One skit in particular always made Tim laugh and he was always commenting that ‘the front fell off’ when things didn’t go to plan 🙂IMG_9309
Jesika went all out as did her Chilean friends Jacqui & Javier.
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Me and my girlIMG_9330
Jesika & Sam getting the cake finished IMG_9335
Cheeky cousins 🙂
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There was quite a storm blowing outside the marque so lighting candles took skillIMG_9345
Evan with workmate Tracey and her daughter
Ev with Sam’s present – yes he drinks tea 😉
The ulteria motive was to stop him drinking her cups of tea when he visits!!IMG_9356 IMG_9361
Ev with ‘old’ school mate Tracey.
There were 3 Tracey’s at the party so we had to differentiate with clarification nicknames.IMG_9365 IMG_9366 (1) IMG_9367
A major amount of drunken hilarity occurred of course.
Measure biceps at this point…..IMG_9372

Wal lost his wig later in the evening – somehow looked a lot better on Bud methinks 😉IMG_9373
I love this last photo – it was the last one I actually took that night and it shows the birthday boy in full swing.
He was really enjoying himself 🙂IMG_9374

Meeting Constance

Saturday morning it was wet.
Perth has been experiencing the coldest winter in 20 years and it is also very wet.
So I didn’t need to pack any sunscreen!
Just the same old winter stuff I’ve been wearing for past months back home.
I went with Jesika to the Manning Farmers Market.
The rain was heavy and then it would clear, and then down she’d come again Trev!
It was a lovely market, Jesika has her favourite vege and fruit stalls so we wandered between them and the others that I was interested in.
Like food and coffee and crafts etc.
The crepe stall did really really good avocado wraps with spinach.
The coffee cart next door looked better than it tasted :-/

On the way home I checked into Facebook, as you do.
And saw to my delight that Constance was signing her books ‘Like a Queen’ at Subiaco today!
Jesika wasn’t going to take me, no way, not ever 😉
All good – she had a party to prepare for.
So I called Sam, pretty sure she’d be keen and yes she was.
So we drove up to Subiaco and discovered Constance is a one very popular lady.
We already knew that she has a world wide following on her blog ‘Queens of Constance’ and Facebook but seeing so many local women queuing cemented that.
In fact the line of women and the occasional husband/partner & children went for miles up the stairs and though the hallways of the Subiaco Hotel.
So long in fact that we were queuing for around 2 hours!
Was it worth the wait.
You bet it was!
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Loved this sculpture – I thought is was representing all the queens floating out of the hotel after having our books signed and our few moments with Constance.
The best thing along the way though was meeting and chatting with other women who were there from all walks, ages & stages of life.
Her blunt honest way of communicating about the reality of life in the fast lane of motherhood has broken through so many barriers because we all identify with her in some way or other.

Afterwards we were right hungry we were, so headed home asap, stopping at a supermarket along the way to find food.

Surprise x 2

I had inside information because I had been pumping Jesika for several months.
I knew that unbeknownst to Evan she was taking Friday off work to pick up his best friend from the airport and to prepare for his party.
So Jacqui and I rocked up at the house early arvo to surprise Jesika only to find the place all locked up.
I unloaded and waited around the back, thinking they wouldn’t be long.
After about half an hour I messaged her asking how the party plans were going and I received this photo.
She and Bud were out lunching!
Great ;-/IMG_9191
Soon after Evan arrived and on hearing me knocking on the back door got the surprise of his life to find his favourite mother-in-law on the step.
We had a cuppa and a catch up, then he told me that Jesika was on her way home from work.
Mmmm, I agreed, knowing the other side of the secret 😉
She messaged him saying she was going straight to Sam’s to do party prep  & for him to come there, to which he responded ‘Come home now! The marquee has been put in the wrong place and I am not happy about it’!
Unbeknownst to us his caused a major meltdown at the other end 🙁

So we hopped in his car and drove round to Sam’s and on the way passed Sam heading our way.
Ev commented to me that there was a guy in the passengers seat and that it was ‘probably her other husband’, as he refers to her best mate Blair as!
I knew exactly who it was!!
So we ended up at Sam’s with me giving Jesika the surprise of her life – she was shell shocked to see me so I got lots of hugs and tears.
Then Sam returned with Bud so there were man hugs and tears when Ev saw him.
We couldn’t have bettered the plan if we’d tried!!IMG_9198

Jesika was making the birthday cake and vodka jelly shots so I helped where I could and the guys retreated to the living room with their beers to talk guy talk.
IMG_9204IMG_9203As it was Evan’s actual birthday I took the opportunity to unpack and unload the excess from my bag.
He loved the tee-shirtsIMG_9207  IMG_9209
As did Jesika.
Her birthday was a week back so I had bought her over a bone carving made by our friend Fumio.
It represents & symbolises the paua, fern leaf, waves and fishhook.

To celebrate we put on our glad rags and braved the torrential rain.
Took an Uber ride to Tony Roma’s for dinner.
Happy Birthday ole fella 🙂

We had a great night.
Food was really good.
Our waiter was excellent, so good in fact that the guys made sure we all tipped him extra.
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The place is a carnivores dream.
I had the chicken salad.
It was excellent.
Perfect balance of salad and not too much meat.
The desserts were not only very good, but they were very generous servings.
I danced with chance and on the young waiters recommendation ordered Tiramisu.
I am very particular with this dessert so normally do not risk it.
It didn’t fail – for once it was nailed.
Sam had to sample Blair’s sundae with some help from Evan’s finger!
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Torrential rain again as we ran to the Uber car.
Great night but we were all too tired to go clubbing so headed back home for some sleep.

Parfois, tout ce dont vous avez besoin est votre meilleur ami……

Taking time out when life is so stressful can seem impossible.
But when there is a need and a want, things miraculously fall into place.
And for me the planets aligned so I packed my bags and boarded a plane leaving my darlings in the arms of special friends who have mine and their backs – you all know who you are – so thank you to those that helped to make this time away possible.

Even spending 2.5 hours in the local airport due to aircraft delays wasn’t arduous.
Yes, it was frustrating because it semi thwarted my plans along the way, but better to be safe on land than in the air in a malfunctioning craft!

Auckland greeted me with torrential rain.
But my friend met me and drove me to my hotel.
We spent the next two hours thoroughly enjoying each others company at Szimpla over good food & great service.
All too soon though the next plane was beckoning so we said our farewells for now and I retreated to my room.
I had been really looking forward to a quiet peaceful night all on my own but the reality of it all was rather boring.
I even checked out of my room early and had a delicious breakfast at Szimpla before catching the shuttle to International.

This time my plane was on time and after watching several Kiwi movies – Mahana which was good, and The Dark Horse which was excellent,  it stirred many emotions, produced a few tears, and is so deserving of much more recognition, definitely a must see again movie – 8 hours later I walked through WA immigration.
Gian was there to meet me, but behind him I saw another familiar face!
My internet friend and cohort Nicki had come to meet and greet me too.
Such a cool surprise to finally see her in the flesh.
The thing with internet friends is that there is no initial fumbling to gain a connection because you already have that 🙂
We had a few minutes to hug and make some quick plans to meet soon and then Gian whisked me off home.

Waiting there was my bestest friend.
It was so super cool to be back together with her.
Jacqui is my oldest and bestest friend ever.
She and I go so far back it is almost scary to scan those decades!
We’ve shared loads of highs and lows, good times and crappy times.
This is us at the end of our 5th decades.
I reckon we’ve weathered those storms pretty damned good!
Jac was the only one who knew I was coming 😉

Next day, before I announced to the rest of the world that I was there we shared a plate of nachos at Coco Cubana.
Funky cafe with good food and service.
Loved the armchairs & decor.
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and a week later I was back for a last day with my bestie.
Rousing her outa bed we went for a walk on the beach with Gian.
It had been a very wet cold week – Perth is experiencing the coldest winter in 20 years!!
So the sunshine this morning was so appreciated and enjoyed.
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I love that my friend has found her soulmate.
Sometimes it takes a while.IMG_9677 IMG_9679 IMG_9682 IMG_9684 IMG_9687
And all too soon it was time for that last farewell, the au revoir.

I hate goodbyes when the physical distance is so far.
But our time together was incredibly therapeutic.
Thanks Jac – love you heaps and heaps x 10 hundred xxxxxIMG_9708