It’s time…….


I’m finding it incredible at the timeliness of Becca Lees poetry coming to my attention and speaking the words that my heart is trying to say.


These rings are such an integral part of me. They represent the binding of two hearts. The constancy and love Tim & I had.

I have worn my engagement ring for near on 39 years and my wedding ring for coming up 38 years.

I have continued to wear them because I haven’t been ready to let him go, I’ve worn them to hold connection and also for protection. image

But yesterday my heart was ready. image

The years of wear have left their mark. A mark which will fade in time but never the memories they represent.

I’m not ready to release them entirely.

They are not being relegated to the top drawer.

I’m not a big jewelry wearer, I wear only what I really love

And I really love these rings.

Just as I loved the giver.

So they are now adorning my right hand. Still connected directly to my heart.

But not in a way that shouts ‘No Vacancy’!


I’m exonerating my heart, laying aside the burdens, making peace with the past.

Venturing forward to discover & embrace a future that is waiting to greet me with open arms.


Y’know, I quite like rain :-)

Monday in Nelson – precipitation much!
Kids were glad I decided to drop them at school
My day moved from a frankly fraught 9am-er to being cosied up inside Cafe 7010 with Roni for a most enjoyable brunch and heart to heart.
Not arduous at all 😉
Home to check on my furry babies then up the street to the Sprig to sip ciders with Penelope.

Sophie pampered me this Tuesday morn – face and fingers got fussed upon.
“Take care of your body.
It’s the only place you have to live in.”
Relax, rest, revive…..

A mocha and curly fries and a catch up with Gay at the Sprig rounded off the morning perfectly.

And when you have got nothing better to do than to succumb to the Scottish blood which runs so strongly in the veins.
You spend time making chocolate cakes to use up 2 cups of sour milk rather than tip it down the drain!
Anson arrived to collect his young bro and they were very happy to take a couple off my hands.

The shelf which has been reclining in my bath for the past few weeks called to me and said ‘enough’!
So I answered the call tonight and and along with my trusty hole drilling thingee whatsit I managed to successfully hang the thing.
And whats more, it’s hanging straight!

Now the lil bro has departed for a few days big sis launched an invasion into enemy territory.
The war was waged tonight but not completely won.
Extreme exhaustion overwhelmed her so she withdrew to rally defences for a final onslaught tomorrow.
Major progress has been made and the morrow should see the floor exposed once again!

Do more of what makes you happy

Tiki-touring on the way home took us to the end of a road.

Going down is fine – but every step down has to be reclimbed in an upwards manner 😉
Hey Sibylle! Where are your shoes?
Obstacles do not block the path,
they are the path.
You can shake the sand from your shoes,
But not from your soul.

Take me to the beach and I will show you joy 🙂





Taming a prehistoric beast!
Cave creatures
Looking back from whence we came.IMG_9093

Hello world!

After 10 years of blogging about life in the fast lane of motherhood, ménage, motivation, marriage, and mourning, I have decided to begin anew.
So welcome to my new blog.
I’m not too sure how this will develop but knowing me it will be at times deep and meaningful and at others, light and fripperous 🙂
Don’t you just love that word – fripperous?
It is so fun and happy and carefree.
In setting up this new site I have stumbled upon the works of Becca Lee.
I am a lover of words.
They move me, they speak to me and and feed my soul.
They nurture, they soothe, they help me process.
When I discovered her Instagram site my heart leapt.
I fell upon her words like a starving ravenous wretch.
As I begin walking toward the light after so long in the darkness this quote fuels my soul tonight.